State Leadership Seminars

About State Leadership Seminars

Our flagship program welcomes school and community nominated high school sophomores to 3–4-day seminars each spring and summer. These student ambassadors participate in facilitated dialogue and abilities-based workshops to develop awareness of their leadership strengths and an understanding of their leadership values. Through these dynamic activities with their peers, students hone their skills and learn to recognize, amplify, and collaborate with the diverse strengths of others. Held on college or university campuses, our programs give students a taste of college life while they dive into our engaging and FUN leadership development curriculum.  

One weekend at a HOBY seminar unlocks a student’s leadership potential and helps them gain the confidence to make a positive impact on the world around them. 

Seminar Curriculum

The State Leadership Seminar curriculum guides student ambassadors as they explore leadership through a three-phase process: personal leadership, group leadership, and service leadership.

Personal Leadership

First, student ambassadors explore their personal leadership style. In this phase, student ambassadors unlock their potential through self-discovery and reflection.

After completing the personal leadership curriculum, student ambassadors will be able to:

  • Understand their leadership strengths and values
  • Have the confidence to speak up about their values and ideas
  • Identify a purpose that motivates them as a leader

Group Leadership

In the second phase, student ambassadors apply their newfound awareness to their interactions with others. Through this process of learning about others’ leadership abilities, identifying common goals, overcoming team obstacles, and developing an understanding of diverse perspectives, student ambassadors develop their group leadership skills.

After completing the group leadership curriculum, student ambassadors will be able to:

  • Believe others see them as a leader
  • Identify leadership strengths in others
  • Work with others to identify a common purpose
  • See the value in seeking out different perspectives
  • Work with others respectfully, even when they disagree

Service Leadership

HOBY student ambassadors apply their newfound understanding of personal and group leadership to serving others. In the service leadership phase, student ambassadors are challenged to make an impact on their local community. Here, they learn about the perspectives of community leaders and the value of making a positive difference within the place they call home.

After completing the service leadership curriculum, student ambassadors will be able to:

  • Acknowledge how their actions impact others
  • Take the steps to create positive change in their community

Leadership For Service

Student ambassadors truly put their service leadership learning into action after the seminar concludes. Each year, HOBY alumni and volunteers are challenged to complete 100 hours of service to their communities. These Leadership for Service (L4S) hours are a tangible way for our new alumni to apply their passion and newly built leadership skills toward making a positive impact. Over 5,000,000 service hours have been logged by HOBY alumni since 1998, and that number continues to grow with HOBY alumni logging thousands of hours of service each year. As a certifying organization for the Presidential Volunteer Service award, we honor hundreds of students each year as they complete their service challenge.

Program Outcomes

Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that as leaders, they can work with others to identify a common purpose increased by 84%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who acknowledged how their actions impact others increased by 75%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that they have the confidence to speak up about their values increased by 102%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students strongly agreed that they know how to create positive change in their community increased by 148%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students strongly agreed that even when they disagree with someone, they can work with them respectfully increased by 64%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students strongly agreed that they try to include others by seeking different perspectives increased by 63%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who can identify leadership strengths in others increased by 126%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that other people see them as leaders increased by 144%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that they feel confident in their ability to express their ideas increased by 128%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that they can identify their own leadership strengths increased by 191%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that as leaders, they can work with others to identify a common purpose increased by 84%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who acknowledged how their actions impact others increased by 75%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that they have the confidence to speak up about their values increased by 102%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students strongly agreed that they know how to create positive change in their community increased by 148%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students strongly agreed that even when they disagree with someone, they can work with them respectfully increased by 64%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students strongly agreed that they try to include others by seeking different perspectives increased by 63%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who can identify leadership strengths in others increased by 126%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that other people see them as leaders increased by 144%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that they feel confident in their ability to express their ideas increased by 128%.
Between our pre- and post-surveys, the percentage of students who strongly agreed that they can identify their own leadership strengths increased by 191%.

State Leadership Seminar Schedule

SeminarStart DateEnd DateVenueCityStateEvent Status
Alabama5/23/20255/25/2025Troy UniversityTroyALOpen
Arizona6/5/20256/8/2025Arizona State University - West Valley CampusGlendaleAZOpen
Arkansas6/5/20256/8/2025Southern Arkansas UniversityMagnoliaAROpen
California-Central6/19/20256/22/2025California Lutheran UniversityThousand OaksCAOpen
California-Los Angeles6/20/20256/22/2025California State University - Long BeachLong BeachCAOpen
California-South6/20/20256/22/2025University of San DiegoSan DiegoCAOpen
Colorado6/19/20256/22/2025University of DenverDenverCOOpen
Connecticut5/30/20256/1/2025Southern Connecticut State UniversityNew HavenCTOpen
Delaware6/13/20256/15/2025University of DelawareNewarkDEOpen
District of Columbia5/30/20256/1/2025Catholic University of AmericaWashingtonDCOpen
Florida-East6/20/20256/22/2025Florida TechMelbourneFLOpen
Florida-North6/5/20256/8/2025Florida State UniversityTallahasseeFLOpen
Florida-South5/23/20255/25/2025Lynn UniversityBoca RatonFLOpen
Florida-West6/5/20256/8/2025Eckerd CollegeSt. PetersburgFLOpen
Georgia6/6/20256/8/2025Middle Georgia State UniversityCochranGAOpen
Idaho6/27/20256/29/2025Lewis-Clark State CollegeLewistonIDOpen
Illinois-Central South6/19/20256/22/2025Illinois Wesleyan UniversityBloomingtonILOpen
Illinois-North6/27/20256/29/2025Loyola UniversityChicagoILOpen
Indiana6/5/20256/8/2025Purdue UniversityWest LafayetteINOpen
Iowa6/6/20256/8/2025Drake UniversityDes MoinesIAOpen
Kansas5/29/20256/1/2025Kansas State UniversityManhattanKSOpen
Kentucky6/5/20256/8/2025Berea CollegeBereaKYOpen
Louisiana6/20/20256/22/2025Northwestern State UniversityNatchitochesLAOpen
Maine6/13/20256/15/2025University of Maine at FarmingtonFarmingtonMEOpen
Maryland6/5/20256/8/2025Towson UniversityTowsonMDWaitlist
Massachusetts6/6/20256/8/2025Bentley UniversityWalthamMAWaitlist
Michigan6/6/20256/8/2025Albion CollegeAlbionMIOpen
Minnesota6/13/20256/15/2025St. Cloud State UniversitySt. CloudMNOpen
Mississippi5/30/20256/1/2025Mississippi CollegeClintonMSOpen
Missouri6/27/20256/29/2025University of Central MissouriWarrensburgMOOpen
Montana6/5/20256/8/2025Montana State University - BillingsBillingsMTOpen
Nebraska5/30/20256/1/2025Central Community College - HastingsHastingsNEOpen
Nevada6/27/20256/29/2025University of Nevada Las VegasLas VegasNVOpen
New Hampshire6/13/20256/15/2025St. AnselmManchesterNHOpen
New Jersey5/30/20256/1/2025Drew UniversityMadisonNJWaitlist
New Mexico6/20/20256/22/2025University of Texas - El PasoEl PasoTXOpen
New York-Central6/13/20256/15/2025Hobart & William Smith CollegesGenevaNYOpen
New York-East6/6/20256/8/2025University at AlbanyAlbanyNYOpen
New York-Metro6/6/20256/8/2025Adelphi UniversityGarden CityNYOpen
North Carolina-East6/6/20256/8/2025NC State UniversityRaleighNCOpen
North Carolina-West6/13/20256/15/2025UNC AshevilleAshevilleNCOpen
North Dakota6/13/20256/15/2025Bismarck State CollegeBismarckNDOpen
Ohio-North6/19/20256/22/2025John Carroll UniversityUniversity HeightsOHOpen
Ohio-South6/12/20256/15/2025Marietta CollegeMariettaOHOpen
Ohio-West6/5/20256/8/2025Ohio Northern UniversityAdaOHWaitlist
Oklahoma5/29/20256/1/2025Southwestern Oklahoma State UniversityWeatherfordOKOpen
Oregon6/13/20256/15/2025Lewis & Clark CollegePortlandOROpen
Pennsylvania-Central6/5/20256/8/2025Millersville UniversityMillersvillePAOpen
Pennsylvania-East6/13/20256/15/2025Neumann UniversityAstonPAOpen
Pennsylvania-West6/13/20256/15/2025Washington & Jefferson CollegeWashingtonPAOpen
Rhode Island6/20/20256/22/2025University of Rhode IslandKingstonRIOpen
South Carolina5/24/20255/26/2025Presbyterian CollegeClintonSCOpen
South Dakota6/5/20256/8/2025Dakota State UniversityMadisonSDOpen
Tennessee6/6/20256/8/2025UT SouthernPulaskiTNOpen
Texas-Capital Area6/6/20256/8/2025University of TexasAustinTXOpen
Texas-Far West6/20/20256/22/2025University of Texas - El PasoEl PasoTXOpen
Texas-Gulf Coast6/6/20256/8/2025University of Houston - Main CampusHoustonTXOpen
Texas-North6/6/20256/8/2025University of Texas at TylerTylerTXOpen
Utah6/25/20256/28/2025Wasatch AcademyMt. PleasantUTOpen
Vermont5/22/20255/25/2025Vermont State University - RandolphRandolph CenterVTOpen
Virginia5/30/20256/1/2025James Madison UniversityHarrisonburgVAWaitlist
Washington6/13/20256/15/2025Lewis & Clark CollegePortlandOROpen
West Virginia6/13/20256/15/2025Fairmont State UniversityFairmontWVOpen
Wisconsin6/20/20256/22/2025Edgewood CollegeMadisonWIOpen
Wyoming6/20/20256/22/2025Laramie County Community CollegeCheyenneWYOpen

Have Questions?

If you have any questions or would like more information about our State Leadership Seminars or any HOBY programs, please let us know. We look forward to connecting with you!